Rules of correct gearing utilization with V-belts

After a gearing was mounted and belts were adjusted generally belt gearing do not require any maintenance work. To ensure satisfactory and error-free belt gearing operation as well as long lifetime of belts, following hints should be observed:
 while designing a gearing possibility of changing the distance between pulley belts must be taken into account in order to facilitate belt installation and then its tensioning in order to achieve required slippage (taking into account 1,5% possibility of total extension of belt length during its operation, as well as 1% tolerance of belt length)
   pulley belts should be made in accordance to dimensions and requirements included in Designer Handbook, fifth edition – 2012, chapter 1.3.c)
  grooves of pulley belts must be clean, without any damages and rust protective substances. Belt should be exactly set in grooves as its whole side surface was in contact with groove walls; is not acceptable a belt was in contact with pulley by its bottom surface (exception: special drives as for example flat-V-belt drives)
   earlier exchange of broken (used-up) belt pulleys protect from unexpected failures of belts and gearing
  is not acceptable to use whenever substances which increase adhesion a belt to a pulley; this is superfluous and what’s more harmful
  belts should be mounted manually and while least groove pulleys spacing; using any auxiliary tools in forbidden
  after exact belts setting inside their grooves, tension should be preliminary adjusted; then gearing should be steered for a short period of time without load, then tension should be corrected again
  maximal non-parallelism of gearing pulleys axes must not be bigger then 1 mm by 100 mm axis length, and tolerance their mutual pulleys grooves displacement must not exceed 0,25% of distance between axis
  during first hours of operation, belt will be lengthened; during this time correction of its tension is required. According to our experience, after firs hour of belt operation under full load, belt is lengthened by 70% of total allowable extension, which is 1,5% of belt length – a gearing must be protected by protective shield
   tension of belts during normal operation should be periodically checked and adjusted
in multi-belts gearings only belt units should be used which consist of specially completed belts in accordance to required length tolerance
  while one of belts in belt unit is broken, whole belt unit must be replaced by new one
In case of V-belts pollution they should be cleaned by glycerin-spirit mixture in a ratio 1:10, other chemical substances should be avoided.

Following sharp objects must not be used to clean belts: wire brush, abrasive paper, etc, because mechanical damages take place at the belt surface
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